They might not be the easiest things to construct, but these LEGO Mindstorm Robots are full of awesome features, which, once you've toiled with the technicalities of it's build are well worth it.
With light, noise, touch and ultrasound sensors letting your creation make sense of its surroundings, precise control is a doddle. You program the bot’s movements on your PC – telling it, for instance, to move forwards until its sensors detect an obstacle. Then you upload your commands to your slave’s cyberebral cortex via USB or Bluetooth.
The Bluetooth also means your mechanised minion can exchange programmes with other automatons. What’s more, Lego promises you’ll soon be able to control your bots with a mobile phone. They've been out about a year now so we can't wait to see the next level of LEGO-BOTICS!!
Ever seen that kiddie-flick "TOY SOLDIERS"?.....It all starts here!
Mu - Ha - HA - HA - HAAAAAA!
Original Post on: www.t3.co.uk
Words: Mixture of Dkoda's and T3's