I had this guy saved in my Bookmarks for a while now and seeing the post on Vinyl Pulse about his new exhibition at the Thinkspace Gallery, Santa Monica reminded me to post about him. I'm loving his style of drawing characters mixed with a nice colour pallette for both the foregrounds and backgrounds.
This is what the Ekundayo Website had to say for the Bio:
"Ekundayo was born in Honolulu, HI 1983, he began to draw and paint when his father
Passed away in 1994 and hasn’t stopped since. Ekundayo is a Nigerian name that means sorrow becomes joy a title that is befitting of his work as well. He left Hawaii to study illustration at Art Center College of art and design in Los Angeles, Ca where he currently lives and works in freelance illustration as well as participating in galleries throughout the L.A. area."

Post from Ekundayo VIA Vinyl Pulse