Old-skooler, SKIRE has just uploaded his new graff video "Solvent Abuse 98-08" online as a torrent for free. Be sure to seed it lots! The more seeders, the better!
This is what Skire had to say about his vid release:
"Was gonna do a “Proper DVD release” but figured it wouldnt exactly make me rich (If anyone remembers the old Solvent Abuse VHS series, you will know we always knocked em out cheap and it was never about money) but then I figured it would be a pain in the arse getting it stocked in shops and whatever so I figured, what the hell lets put it out there for free. Its 1.5gb MP4 so it will work on PS3’s and MP4 DVD players etc, if your watching it on your computer I recomend Quicktime or VLCplayer (be sure to click on view and watch it fullscreen).

It aint no hardcore train video, Its a bit of everything filmed between 1998 & 2008 featuring a few London Walls – Legals, Tracksides, Streets Loads of Italian runners (FS, Napoli Roma), some classic Hanover, Amsterdam, Copenhagen & Warsaw trains, walls, damage circa 1999, British Jams like Sleeping Giants, Roxe Jam2008, Cans2, JamEmIn, Meeting Of Styles 2008 and Write4Gold 2006. Barcelona Halls of fame, Newcastle old & new plus a few quick trips to Belgium, Spain & Johannesburg.
A fair few London Commuters (2002 – 2008) and a couple of Tube runners.
It also features Crews like ATG, DWS, TNS, NM, DPV & THIRDECADE.
With music by MetalBoxProducts, DJ Klose One, Matt Nice, Sober & Critic.
Its taken a me a fair while to put together and I pretty happy with the end result (2 hours long and fast paced hectic editing)
I hope you enjoy it and if you dont… well fuck off then, its not like it cost you anything…"
Info from Hooked