His style is so warm to look at that you can’t help but feel attached to the characters in his paintings. Each piece, often painted on wood, looks like it took years to evolve as his unique layering skills meld to one another effortlessly. I’m a huge fan and hopefully after reading this, you will be too.
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The Hayward is one of London's most important galleries for contemporary art. It forms part of the Southbank Centre, which is sited on the South bank of the Thames River, and is the international arts hub for London.
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Soundcrash are responsible for some of the best underground music events in the UK. They work closely with respected labels, from Ninja Tune and Warp Records to incredible artists like DJ Krush and Mos Def in order to create constant and heavily needed live entertainment in London and other cities.
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Headache is a common ailment which many of us suffer from but a lot of the time we don't really know what we can do about it. So we just grin and bear it either by waiting for it to pass or taking varied strengths of pain killers.
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