Last Thursday, I went down to the famous Cheese Factory in Hackney, to witness their Freak Show event with my mrs. Luckily for us, we met the heavily-tattooed Roc, the main attraction of the night, in Barcelona last year so we were given front row seats. The Cheese Factory is a collection of squatted flats which have had extensions built onto them to create a subterranenan maze of shacks and rooms that join onto a small factory space. It's this space which is used to hold events like fashion shows and art exhibitions in a typically "bohemian" style. The venue even had a permanent bar, a coffee shop feel and a stage area. It was such good fun to have a good drink and smoke and watch some seriously weird acts. It's times like this where I do really love living in London...

Myriam the Bearded Lady took care of being the Master of Ceremony

Roc and his lovely volunteer prepare to swallow some fire

Roc prepares to lift two full paint cans which weighed approx. 15 pounds each!

This is him in full swing mode...stretching the lobed region of his ears to the max! (and yes, he has full-sized chilli peppers tattooed for side-burns.)