ESPV blog lovers will be glad to know that the ESPV team prides itself on feeding your minds on a daily basis with the weird and the wacky. Whilst researching some mind boggling subjects I stumbled across renowned artist Julian Beever and although its nothing new in the art scene.. I just couldn’t help myself.
(Click images to enlarge or check out the links below for more photos)

Known to many as one of the greatest pavement artists out there, Julian is an English Chalk artist who creates his amazing artworks on everyday city streets. Since the mid 1990s Julian has incorporated the Anamorphosis technique to create the illusion of three dimensional illustrations when viewed from the correct angle.

Julian’s skills have taken his artwork on a tour to places like the UK, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, the U.S. and Australia. You may have seen his 2004 chain letter that was being passed around showing his work alongside another similar artist Kurt Wenner.

Considering this style of art is in the public domain, on the streets, free for all to see, and can be washed off anytime… I think this dude and others like him deserve a lot of respect, they are true street artists.

Check out more of Julian Beever’s illustrations :
Google Images...HEREand HERE.
YOUTube Video HERE.
Julian's Website HERE.