This is an artist to look out for in the future. Camilla d'Errico has a sweet style that is very comic-esque, sexy and kinda dark all at once. She's doing a show tonight in LA with two other female artists, Kelly Haigh (Vancouver, BC) and Angelina Wrona (Merrickville, ON). sponsored by the Thinkspace Gallery entitled "Triple Threat".

This is what her website had to say about her work:
"I am a product of my split heritage, Italian and Canadian rolled into one. Being Italian I am used to drama; growing up it was the loud voice, the hit and the hug. And growing up in Canada I adopted independence, high levels of politeness and the need for Saturday morning cartoons.

I first got into comics in high school when I was constantly drawing dragons and sexy girls for fun. It was in 2000 that I attended the San Diego Comic Con International. I realized the instant I walked through the doors that I wanted to draw comic books and illustrate for life. Coming to the conclusion that a 9-5 day job would kill me, my course was soon clear to me.

I drew comics for a few years and realized that I could actually expand my style into a variety of genres. Snowboards, advertisements, magazine covers, the mulitude of possibilites continues to grow. I feel like I've really begun to carve out a niche for myself all due to my unusually high amibition and fiery Italian nature."

WEBSITE via info from Vinyl Pulse.
Images copyright of Camilla d'Errico.