I guess this was always one of the classic defining points between PC's and Mac's; PC's get worms/viruses easily, Mac's don't. Whether this is because of the superior coding of Apple or the fact it's market share is actually pretty minimal compared to PC, one can only gesticulate.
Well, the inevitable has happened and Apple may have a few worms to sort out in the future. A hacker, sorry,"independent researcher", known as InfoSec Sellout has conjured up a worm dubbed Rape.osx. Sellout's worm attacks the OS X mDNSResponder by taking over the root and then dunping a text file to prove Rape was there. It should be known that this was just a test-run and Rape.osx was released in a controlled environment of only 1,500 Macs. Apparently, Sellout is demanding Apple pay-up or be desroyed by his minions......
Thanks to Engadget for the image.