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Sunday, January 10, 2010
GML Graffiti Markup Language
As we enter a new decade, Graffiti also enters into a new realm of 2.0 with digital graff not just being a novel way of getting up, but a serious mode of archiving and analysing typographic techniques and allowing writers the ability to make their work transcend from the streets to our screens. Here are some of the current methods of digital graffiti available as open source code to the public.....
"Today's new digital standard for tomorrow's vandals."
Dust Tag v1.0 is an iPhone App which enables artists to create, record and render 3D images of their creations all with finger taps. Dust Tag records the creation of a tag in motion, analyzes the end product and archives it in a free and open database where artists can share their work not just in traditional 2D pictorial format.
Laser Tag. In its simplest form the Laser Tag system is a camera and laptop setup, tracking a green laser point across the face of a building and generating graphics based on the laser's position which then get projected back onto the building with a high power projector.
G.R.L., Open Frameworks and graffiti legend Tempt1 have teamed-up to bring you the latest weapon of ocular assault: the EyeWriter. Source code, free software, HOW TO guide, videos and eye tags by Tempt1 available at eyewriter.org.
Graffiti Analysis is an extensive ongoing study in the motion of graffiti. Custom software designed for graffiti writers creates visualizations of the often unseen motion involved in the creation of a tag. Motion data is recorded, analyzed and archived in a free and open database, 000000book.com, where writers can share analytical representations of their hand styles.